Acestea sunt regulile care trebuie sa le respectati. Orice nerespectare a regulilor va duce de la sine suspend, ban, stergerea acountului... etc... 1. NU folositi injurii la adresa altor playeri -> prima data avertisment ,a doua oara ban 3 zile.
2. NU folositi injurii la adresa adminilor ->ban 10 zile a doua oara ban Ip.
3. NU faceti pk sau ks pe spoturi ->ban 1 zi.
4. NU faceti pk ptr goldeni sau bokuri-> prima data avertisment, a doua oara ban 1 zi.
5. NU aveti voie sa faceti dupe sau orice alta hackereala ->ban 10 zile, a-2-a oara Ban IP .
6. Nu aveti voie sa faceti reclama (servere de mu,Cs,WoW si la orice alte chestii) - Ban 10 zile.
7. Nu cereti Party,Guild si Iteme la Admini. pedeapsa = Disconnect.
8. NU faceti caractere sau Guilde cu nume referitoare la Admini.
First time you will be warned anyone who breaks the rules will be suspended, baned, account deleted...1. Don’t swear the players, you will be warned.The second time you will be banned for 3 days.
2. Don’t swear the admins you will be banned for 10 days. The second time your IP will be banned.
3.Don`t make PK or KS on spots = Ban 1 Day.
4. Don’t make PK for goldens or boks. First time you will be warned, the second time you will be banned for 1 day.
5. Don’t make hacks you will get 10 days BAN ,next time banned for life.
6. It isn’t aloud to make commercials for other servers.
7. Don’t ask for party or items from the admins.
8. Don't make characters or guilds with names regarding at ADMINS.